Monday, July 25, 2011

Adjusting my mind to a smaller body

I just returned from spending 10 days in the Seattle area, where I attended the OH event in Bellevue, partied with bandster friends in Seattle, WA and Portland, OR, and did far too much shopping. During that wonderful trip, I had an unexpected struggle to adjust my mind to my smaller body. Here in Tennessee, one of the most obese states in the USA, I know I look small compared to many other women, but in the Northwest, I saw far fewer obese people and therefore was surprised several times to learn that I'm considered small there, too.

First, I tried on a body shaper - size small, as recommended by the sales person. The shaper looked like it might fit my old Chatty Cathy doll, but not me. But lo and behold, it fit me and did a great job of smoothing out and containg the belly rolls. So I bought it, mainly out of gratitude.

Then, I tried on a sheath-style dress, size medium (my more-or-less automatic choice these days). I twisted and turned before the dressing room mirror, wondering why the dress didn't look good on me, before it occurred to me to try a size small. And lo and behold, it fit me perfectly (and is shown, in part, in the photo above).

Emboldened by the earlier body shaper experience, I consulted a lingerie associate at Macy's about their body shaper options. I was holding a size large of a style that I liked while we talked. She looked at the garment, looked at me, and said, "You're quite diminuitive" (i.e., short) "And I think you need a size small." So I obediently tried on a small, after first trying the large and a medium version. And lo and behold, the small fit me. I didn't buy it (due to sticker shock), but I was a happy camper as I left Macy's that day!

I can't resist mentioning that the first time I got to my low weight, I wore a size medium or 10-12, and size 7 or 7-1/2 shoes. Three years later, after regaining and relosing 25 lbs, I'm back at the same weight but wearing a size small or 8-10 garment, and size 6-1/2 or 7 shoes. Why the change? I think that the combination of my workout program and perhaps the continuing body changes from weight loss got me here. And I'm very happy to be here!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Very cool NSV! Way to go with the ongoing maintenance of your weight loss too. You are one of my bandster heros. :)